Why do thousands of people prefer to buy Commerce Trading OÜ group e-shops?
Experience - Shopping in our group's e-shops is a mixture of convenience, wide selection and positive service. Most people consider the best of us to make a purchase and the whole service process. We are constantly adding new products to our various e-shops and investing in better service and well-being for our customers. We improve the information visible to the customer and the necessary additional information on a daily basis, so that customers have as few questions as possible when making a purchase. The goal of our group is to make shopping in the e-store an easy, more convenient and memorable experience for you.
The largest selection of goods Each of our specialized e-shops aims to offer the widest selection in its category. We believe that if we take a specialized and focused approach, it will be easier for customers to find the right products and there will be no distracting noise when finding exactly the right product.
Cheapest prices - We always try to offer the best price on the market. Many products have a price guarantee - if you see any goods elsewhere, contact us and we will probably give you a better offer with 97%. Thanks to the constant automation of work processes and optimization of costs, prices are better than competitors.
Easy and convenient navigation - our visitor is not mistaken in the store. Based on years of experience, we have taken our e-shops to a new level. By visiting our e-shops from a mobile phone, navigation has been made easy and therefore also user-friendly to use.
Safe shopping - We always use all the best security solutions in our field, all traffic on the website is encrypted, your data is not leaked and is not disclosed to third parties without your consent. Our group is E-commerce union, Estonian Creditors' Union and Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry member and we keep in touch With the Consumer Protection and Technical Surveillance Authorityso that we can be sure that the conditions and solutions proposed are correct.
Fast deliveries - Thanks to well-thought-out supply chains, in 90% cases we are able to deliver goods to our customers by the next day!
Reliability - During our many years of operation, we have no problems with not solving customers' problems and we are trusted by several Government Agencies when purchasing goods. Our customers include: Health Board, various City and Local Governments, Sanitex AS, Selver AS, Ministry of Finance, various Schools and Kindergartens, Officeday Estonia OÜ, Hesburger AS and many others.
Feedback - We listen to our customers and adjust our activities according to the feedback you receive, and we try to meet even the most strange wishes.